ThetaHealing Plant Seminar Instructors
Learn to teach understanding and awareness of Plants
This seminar explores the wonders of the 2nd Plane of Existence Plants and prepares the Practitoner on how to teach the Plant seminar. Plants are such an essential part of our life on Mother Earth, with them we are always well nourished, happy and healthy. We need an excellent understanding of how they can enhance our lives and this seminar empowers you by showing you how to explore their world. Plants can fill our world but we can be totally unaware of what they truly offer – until we know how to intuitively access it and have the eyes to ‘see’ it.
Plants have a consciousness, an awareness of all that is around them. They have the ability to send and receive vibrational frequencies. With this ability, they can respond to their world and outside stimulus all around them, including you. In this seminar, unlock the ways to the hidden knowledge that the plant kingdom holds for us. Learn about the Mother Trees, Father Trees, Portals, and how the plants can communicate with each other sharing vital information about the earth and what is in the surroundings.
As an instructor of this seminar, you will open your eyes to the natural world around you. Learn how the Second Plane of Existence and influence your life and learn how to communicate more intimately with the plant kingdom. In this seminar, Vianna will share with you her intimate knowledge and stories about the plant kingdom and what it has taught her over the years. At the end of this seminar, you will be prepared to share this knowledge with your students.”
This seminar will prepare you to teach the techniques and plant seminar to ThetaHealing® Practitioners.
This seminar can. be taken IN-PERSON OR ONLINE
PREREQUISITES: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, Plant Seminar Practitioners, Basic DNA Instructors, Advanced DNA Instructors, and Dig Deeper Instructors
Other topics and exercises include:
- ThetaHealing Plant Seminar Instructors Manual
- Plant Seminar Instructors Certification at Completion of Seminar
Certification Track:
Learn to teach understanding and awareness of Plants
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