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THInK in Montana
& ThetaHealing Headquarters
29048 Broken Leg Road
Bigfork, MT 59911 USA
Telephone: 406.206.3232
Hours: 9am-5pm (Mtn Std Time USA)
Theta Global
& ThetaHealing Headquarters
29048 Broken Leg Road
Bigfork, MT 59911 USA
Telephone: 406.206.3232
Hours: 9am-5pm (Mtn Std Time USA)
Theta Europe
W-Cooperations GmbH, Neudorfstrasse 8,
9451 Kriessern,
St. Gallen, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 71 511 43 70
Hours: 0900-1700 (GMT +1)
Want to know how? Join Vianna's on-demand ThetaHealing Intro, Creating Your Own Reality, and learn some of the benefits of how ThetaHealing might be able to help you spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.