创造你自己的现实——ThetaHealing 简介


Vianna Stibal 设计的最强大的冥想技巧之一,使用快速有效的技巧引导您到达第七层面。在本次 ThetaHealing 介绍中, 创造你自己的现实, 您将了解 ThetaHealing 如何在精神、心理、情感和身体上帮助您的一些好处。 

  • 通往一切万有创造者的路线图。
  • 存在的 7 个层面。
  • 信念从何而来。
  • 表现出来。
  • 灵魂伴侣。 

了解有关 ThetaHealing 的更多信息®️ 每个人都在谈论的技术,今天就开始您的 ThetaHealing 之旅吧!

What's Next

Now that you’ve successfully completed the Create Your Own Reality program, what’s the next step on your journey? Our collection of books can serve as invaluable resources to further support you in your personal growth and development.

If you’re filled with a desire to expand your knowledge and contribute to your own healing journey as well as assist others in shaping their own realities, consider becoming a certified ThetaHealing Practitioner. After completing the Basic DNA course, you’ll receive your official license, and from that point forward, you can use this powerful skillset to transform your life, establish your own business, and manifest the reality you’ve always envisioned.

Introduction to ThetaHealing Book

在 Vianna Stibal 权威指南的修订版和更新版中,了解 ThetaHealing 的全球现象以及它如何帮助您实现转化性治疗。


