Jennifer Keller

  • Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
  • Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
  • Willing to travel, contact for details
  • Available for ThetaHealing Sessions
  • English

About me

I love ThetaHealing. I love working with individuals and families and helping guide people along the path of their own life purposes. I believe that when a person is ready to make a step forward and live on a higher vibration I can help assist them with their journey, so that their steps are walked in the highest and best way with grace and ease. 

I am also a school counselor and love providing the opportunity for others to become more in touch with their intuitive senses and show people how to help themselves using ThetaHealing and connecting to All That Is.

Children hold a special place in my heart and I believe that the more we talk with children, the easier it will be for them to help shift the people of the earth. One of my strengths is working with children and helping them find positive beliefs to live by.

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