When we manifest, we can have different styles of manifesting lists. We need to make sure every year counts. Using this approach to manifesting will help you focus your subconscious to create what you desire. Life List This list is for your whole life. This is everything that you want...
The Power of the Subconscious
Your subconscious runs about 90% of your life, from everything from beating your heart to the memories and feelings. If you actually work with your mind, your subconscious can work with you, or it can work against you. Your subconscious is always trying to protect you and keep you safe. ...
What is Serving You?
Most situations in life are created for a reason. Take a good look at your own life and observe how people are serving you. Find out why they are serving you. Is it because you are a victim, or is that you need conflict to function? If they are serving you...
Clearing the Creative Path
The concept of manifesting is the belief that it is possible to create something into the physical world using the power of the Creator of All That Is. Every statement, action, and thought is reflected by what we are manifesting in our lives. It is of great importance to stay...
Create your Life
The concept of manifesting is the belief that it is possible to create something into the physical using the power of the Creator of All That Is. Every statement, thought, and action is reflected by what we are manifesting in our lives. Every decision is made upon the mirror reflection...
Expressions of Power
When we are in the theta brain wave, we connect to our own divinity but also directly to the Divine, the Creator of All That Is. We have the ability to create manifestations with the power of the spoken word. The formed thought combined with the strong emotions will expand...
Releasing Resentment
Emotions and thought forms can create emotional molecules that become a physical essence in the body. The effect that these molecules have can exert a physical toll on the body in all kinds of ways. One of those ways can become apparent in our intuitive abilities. The reason we do...
I am a Healer
I am a healer. How do you know if you are? There are many indications that you may be a healer in this lifetime. One way to know that you are a healer is when people walk up to you and start telling you all of their problems. If you...
Being Completely Loved
We are divine sparks of God, which makes us a part of His divine essence. Accepting this concept allows us behave with greater consideration toward ourselves and others. This is why it is important to explore your beliefs concerning God. Once you have released your negative beliefs about Him, you then...
Soul Divine Timing
Your divine timing is your life mission, your calling, your soul. You can ask to be shown your divine timing, but even if you don't know what your divine timing is, you probably have an idea. This is the path that you chose before you came to this earth. Divine...