ThetaHealing Advanced DNA

је семинар који треба полагати након завршетка Басиц ДНК. Уђите дубље у технику, научите како да искористите алате које сте научили и постаните сигурнији у своје способности.

Advanced DNA expands the information from Basic DNA to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence.

Learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments that hold you back, and discover how to heal with “Baby in the Womb” and “Heal the Broken Soul” exercises. You will receive Feelings “Downloaded from the Instructor” that will bring profound healing and enlightenment.

Experience new, positive feelings such as knowing how to appreciate The Now and what self-acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane.

With the completion of Advanced DNA, you would have developed a strong foundation in the basics of ThetaHealing.

Овај семинар се може похађати ЛИЧНО са сертификованим инструктором или ОНЛИНЕ са сертификованим онлајн инструктором.

PREREQUISITES: Basic DNA Practitioners

Овај курс укључује:
  • ThetaHealing Advanced DNA Book
  • ThetaHealing Advanced DNA Manual
  • Advanced DNA Practitioner Certification at Completion of Seminar
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