Planes of Existence 2
with Samantha Lohmann Quiroz
(GMT-6) US/Mountain
México, Mexico
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Seminar details
Alternative Prerequisites
This Seminar/Course Includes:
- Duration: 7 days
- Resources: ThetaHealing®Planes of Existence 2 Manual, Planes of Existence Practitioner 2 Certification at Completion of Seminar
Course Description
The planes of existence are the seen and unseen forces of the universe, and to understand them is to understand how our universe works on a physical and spiritual level.
In the first Planes of Existence seminar, we go in depth into what every plane is and what it represents, and we learn how to work with them to better our life.
The Planes of Existence 2 takes us to a deeper level of learning, to fully and effectively work with and understand the 7 planes, so we can truly feel part of all of them and reach the true feeling of oneness with the energy of creation. After all, it is that oneness that will give you the power to create your own reality. When you finish this seminar, you will have a deeper respect for life and realize that there is so much more to the planes of existence.
This seminar is only offered IN-PERSON with a certified Instructor
PREREQUISITES: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, Intuitive Anatomy, You and Your Inner Circle, You and the Earth, Planes of Existence, Basic DNA Enhancement Part 1
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, World Relations, You and Your Inner Circle, You and the Earth, Planes of Existence, Basic DNA Enhancement Part 1
If you are Basic DNA Instructors, you do NOT need the Basic DNA Enhancement Part 1 to attend.
About the Instructor
Samantha Lohmann Quiroz
Certified ThetaHealer
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