RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight
with Flo Ankah
(GMT+2) Europe/Paris
France, France
Seminar details
Alternative Prerequisites
This Seminar/Course Includes:
- Duration: 1/2 day
- Resources: ThetaHealing RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight Book, RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight Practitioner Certification at Completion of Seminar
Course Description
Are you ready to find true Rhythm in your life?
Change your beliefs while learning a new exciting way to release weight and tap into your inner peace. This isn’t just a weight loss seminar! It is finding a real rhythm for your mind, body and spirit, while tapping into your inner beauty and love for your self through your own dreams and desires! This seminar teaches Vianna’s secrets to weight loss.
It isn’t about who is the skinniest or most beautiful! It’s about being comfortable in your own body and finding inner peace and happiness through accepting who you are and embracing Gods will for you!
THETAHEALING RHYTHM For Finding Your Perfect Weight!
Your Perfect Weight
Explore your inner being and become the most magnificent version of you that you can be. Discover how to feed the body with the best feelings and foods that your body will reward you for, the 8 minute rule, and Vianna’s secret exercise!
This seminar can be taken IN-PERSON with a certified Instructor or ONLINE with a certified Instructor
This is a 4 hour seminar
PREREQUISITES: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper Practitioners
About the Instructor
Flo Ankah
Certified ThetaHealer

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