Certified ThetaHealing Profile Ajitha Srinivasan Location(s) Herndon, Virginia, United States of America Chennai, TN, India Willing to travel, contact for details Available for ThetaHealing Sessions MORE MESSAGE Report Profile Follow or Save this ThetaHealer Share this profile Certificates Practitioner Basic DNA Advanced DNA Intuitive Anatomy Manifesting and Abundance Disease and Disorder World Relations DNA 3 Soul Mate RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight Animal Seminar Dig Deeper You and Your Significant Other You and the Creator ThetaHealing Intro- Create Your Own Reality You and Your Inner Circle You and the Earth You and the Creator Enhancement Instructor Basic DNA Instructors Advanced DNA Instructors Manifesting and Abundance Instructors Dig Deeper Instructors You and Your Significant Other Instructors You and the Creator Instructors Elective True Alignment With Your Soul Purpose Featured ThetaHealers Juliana Felix United Kingdom, United Kingdom Rosa Becerra United States, United States of America Beth Newman Maine, Maine, United States of America