Paulette Waltz

Experienced Instructor and Practitioner
  • Calca, Peru
  • Berlin, Maryland, United States of America
  • Willing to travel, contact for details
  • Available for ThetaHealing Sessions
  • English
  • Spanish

About me

Paulette Waltz has a multicultural background: born and raised in the suburbs of Washington, DC, USA, her mother is from the Philippines, she has visited over 60 countries, and has been based in the Sacred Valley, Peru for the last eight years.

Her formal education includes a BA in Psychology from Emory University and an MA in Communication, Culture, and Technology from Georgetown University. With a knack for math and science as well as an attraction to creativity, she harnesses both hemispheres of the brain in her approach to spirituality and life. 

Her work and background has spanned across education, media, wellness, and consulting. Finding practical uses for the spiritual tools is an important component of her work. She has spent many years exploring many spiritual paths, lineages, and modalities including yoga, plant medicine and entheogens, 5th dimensional healing, Astrology, A Course in Miracles, and Munay-Ki to name a few. ThetaHealing has been a mainstay throughout her journey. She has done hundreds of ThetaHealing sessions and taught dozens of students.She believes that we have the ability to create the life we want, and we simply need to remember how to access the tools we already have.

Extra Credentials

Beyond ThetaHealing, these are other modalities which I have worked with: A Course in Miracles: A course on non-duality. Student, teacher, and living the principles for 8 years. Arcturian Healing and Symbols: Energy healing which comes from 5th dimensional archetypal symbols. Levels 1-6. Plant Medicine: 300-400 entheogenic ceremonies, facilitating retreats, integration sessions. Astrology. Speciality: understanding your karmic journey, your talents, and life purpose through your chart. Reiki I, II, and Master Levels. Munay-ki Rites. Transmission of rites including the 13th rite. Yoga Instructor: 500 hours. Bodywork training: Chi Nei Tsang, Zen Shiatsu, EFT Tapping.

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