ThetaHealing Forgiveness, Love and Power
Allows personal power to enter our lives.

Do you know where your true power comes from? Do you know that we are more powerful when we have more love? Where does love come from? How to attract it into your life? Do you know that forgiveness is the basic prerequisite for love? Do you know that it is most important to forgive those things that have shaken our lives the most, the “unforgivable” things that have happened to you in this life? Do you really know the reason why someone has mistreated, abused, neglected, provoked and abandoned you when you needed them most?
When you find out the reason and become aware of how those people felt at that moment and why they did or did not do something, only then will you be able to truly understand and forgive yourself and them. You probably think you have forgiven your mother and father, or partner, and when you muscle test, the answer is “yes”, but have you truly forgiven them from the depths of your heart and soul? When you picture yourself with your mother and father, meeting them right now for a lunch, do you feel joy to be near them or you feel upset or uncomfortable? Whom have you not forgiven yet? When we truly forgive, we feel a huge burden falling off us; we feel at ease when thinking of those people and our relationship with them. Have you forgiven yourself? When we forgive ourselves, it will be easier to forgive others, and vice versa. What is very interesting is that when we truly forgive, we liberate ourselves and our descendants from curses and spells, and we are free. We have more energy and better health. Our relationships and abundance improve also. After you forgive, you are free from resentment, hate, regret and you can manifest better to be a better healer. We become more happy and joyful and our connection with Creator is stronger.
What does it mean to be powerful? Does that mean we will be able to levitate, to change the form-shapeshift, to rule others or keep them in control? Or it may mean that we are able to live in our true nature of love and peace, to change ourselves, to release from our lives all that does not serve us, be responsible for our lives, realize ourselves, to act from the internal motivation of love and understanding for others? Also, to be powerful means to know who we are and what our purpose and meaning in this life are, and to focus our energy and intention in that direction.
This seminar is designed to help forgiveness, love and our personal power to enter our lives, to make us more tolerant and understanding towards others and ourself.
This practitioner seminar was designed by Goran Karna using the ThetaHealing® Techniques and became an approved Elective in 2014.
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Allows personal power to enter our lives.
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