ThetaHealing Disease and Disorder Instructors
Submerse your students into the inner workings and complexity of illness in the body…

The ThetaHealing® Diseases and Disorders Instructors seminar is the definitive guide to discovering the beliefs inherent within us about diseases and disorders from a teaching perspective. This seminar has all the information and insights the Instructor will need to present this seminar to their students in a way that will release their fears to gods light.
Learn how to make students aware of their blocks of working with different diseases, to give insights into the physical, mental and emotional components of illnesses. Explore ideas about presenting healing concepts about heavy metal poisoning, the body systems, over 100 diseases and disorders and herbs and minerals. Teach from the definitive guide”ThetaHealing Diseases and Disorders”, created for this seminar in 2007 with over 400 pages of insights from Vianna’s Stibal’s readings.
Learn to teach with an in-depth understanding of disease from an intuitive perspective… to show your students how feelings, emotions, beliefs and programs influence how we behave… to have dramatic affects on the body’s well being, even on a cellular level.
The ThetaHealing Instructor will learn to guide their students on a journey to hidden Belief Systems they may have towards disease that may be impeding their abilities to heal emotional imbalance in others and themselves. By releasing fears around disease & disorders, as an instructor you will be able to help guide and assist your students in this phenomenal seminar. As the blocks and fears dissipate, you will have a greater ability to help your clients release their blocks and heal.
This seminar can be taken IN-PERSON or ONLINE
PREREQUISITES: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Disease and Disorder, You and the Creator, Intuitive Anatomy Practitioners, Basic DNA Instructors, Advanced DNA Instructors, Dig Deeper Instructors, and Intuitive Anatomy Instructors
Other topics and exercises include:
- ThetaHealing Disease and Disorder Instructors Manual
- Disease and Disorder Instructors Certification at Completion of Seminar

Certification Track:
Submerse your students into the inner workings and complexity of illness in the body…
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