"I was introduced to ThetaHealing in 2015 by my business coach. What blew me away with this technique was not only the deep feeling of connection I immediately experienced, but also the ease with which we could quickly shift limiting beliefs into more expansive ones. Everything about the ThetaHealing technique...
With each seminar I took, I understood myself better
"In 2015 at the age of 56, I attended an Introduction to ThetaHealing seminar and experienced something I had never felt before… I felt a powerful pure positive radiant peaceful loving energy course through my entire being. It was at that very moment, I knew I had to learn how to...
Make Positive Changes by using ThetaHealing® Techniques
Theta Healing is a technique designed by Vianna Stibel that teaches “how to put to use your natural intuition to assist with physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing.” Nini says,“My greatest pleasure is to teach others about Vianna’s techniques so that they know they are loved unconditionally and they are far...
This is a Never Ending Tool for my Life
My name is Renata Braun and I am Mexican living in Mexico City. My life has change and keeps on changing everyday thanks to ThetaHealing and her precious Founder Vianna. I am in love with the technique and the results I witness everyday in myself and in all of my...
I Became more Energetic and am Cancer Free Today
When my doctor told me that I have a final stage of breast cancer and have only 6 month of to live...I felt my whole life smashed into pieces!! I had no hope or no future!! Only things waiting for me out there was my own " DEATH!! " Had...
I’ve Gained Much More than Great Health
I initially came to Vianna in need of physical healing. Since then my experiences with Vianna as a practitioner and then as my teacher has led me through many healings but I’ve gained much more than great health. I now have a whole new life full of love, joy, passion,...
30 Day Random Act of Kindness Challenge
For a little over a month, I posted a Random Act of Kindness on Facebook every day. I did this to challenge others in practicing kindness and for myself. Knowing that kindness is one of the Four Foundational virtues we need to master while we are here. I consider myself...
The Grocery List
Sometimes people only need to know what they want, and that will actually start the subconscious into creating for you. We can put the subconscious to use and work for us when it comes to manifesting. Your brain is the fastest computer that was ever made. If you give only...
The 3 List Approach for the New Year
When we manifest, we can have different styles of manifesting lists. We need to make sure every year counts. Using this approach to manifesting will help you focus your subconscious to create what you desire. Life List This list is for your whole life. This is everything that you want...