Mom to Mompreneur:

ThetaHealing has multiple places in peoples’ lives. We had the chance to ask one of our ThetaHealing Instructors to tell us about herself and some of her accomplishments using ThetaHealing.

“Mom to Mompreneur”- by Rachna Mehra

Highly energetic, diversely creative with dynamic ever-evolving persona is how I would describe myself today! I believe that if you do good for others, goodness and love is what you will get in return. my life is a story of determination and commitment. If you set your mind to do something, you’ll succeed one day!

At an age of 19, I married into a joint family and was convinced to pursue and complete my education at Ahmedabad Gujarat University. After marriage things were too far from reality. My days were spent acting as good and promising daughter-in-law, as well as a mother of three. Most of the time it was quite rewarding.

I introduce myself as Rachna Mehra, a successful Master Instructor and Certificate of Science Theta Healer based in New Delhi, India. I have been honored by the President of the country, the Ministry of Women & Child Development of India, and am among 100 Women Achievers of India as of 2016. Not only that, but I have been awarded for par excellence in ThetaHealing by Ishma Mumbai, and had the opportunity to participate in the Google ‘One Day I’LL’ Women’s Day shoot. I’ve also been awarded the most prestigious WEF award of “Iconic Women Creating Better World for all” as of September 2017.

All of my achievements have been awarded for transforming many lives through belief work and qualitative women empowerment. For the first time ever I dedicated myself to be coached and mentored by my awesome soul sister Vianna Stibal, founder of ThetaHealing Kalispell, Montana USA.
I trained my self on the spiritual path exactly as directed, giving more meaning to my life and helping people; specifically women and children, to communicate effectively and transform themselves through changing life patterns and behavior.

I never let my home stop from achieving my dreams and purpose. A fine balance and grace both at home and my workplace is important to me. My honesty, passion, and love for helping mankind have all gotten me to where I am. Receiving awards is nonstop and winning awards for me is winning at life. It gives me a great feeling of completion, experience, patience…all helping me in turning my dream of new is-ness into a reality of All that Is! It has got me to a Knowingness of my true purpose. “Life begins every day. Age is just a number that cannot stop anyone from achieving anything.”

I am so motivated after my finding my path of Stillness Inner Bliss and I’m now on a path to help others to find themselves too!
In Gratitude!

Rachna Mehra
Spiritual Stylist & Catalyst for Change

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