Everything is about time. Everything that we do, everything that we say. What makes us who we are is time; our past, our present, and our future. People come to the seminars and say “Vianna, I am only living in the now, I don’t have to remember the past.” However, everything has to do with who we were in the past, our past experiences, and our past history. The whole world is based on the history of our past. We learn from what we have done, and what our parents have done and what everyone has done before us.
Our brains are smart. It is the smartest computer that ever was made, and your brain records everything that has ever happened to you. Your subconscious runs about 90% of your life. It analyzes things, learns from them, and puts them into a behavior pattern. Your brain classifies things just as learning experiences.
A lot of people say “I live in the now. I don’t live in the past, I don’t live in the present, I only live in the now.” The only way you can live in the now is to know what is the past and what you are is being created in the future. I always tell people that if they want to be a good intuitive and a good healer, you need to be able to create your future. There isn’t such thing as really living in the now because it is always gone before you know it.
When we do belief work, we find that the things we do are usually based on our past. These are our subconscious programs that happen when we were children. As we look at our beliefs, we can change certain behaviors and certain habits. When we do belief work, we don’t take away the past memories, but we do change behaviors. First, we start with muscle testing certain behaviors, ideas, or concepts that we would like to work on. When we ask the questions who, what, when, where, why and how, we are really teaching you to go back to the past and see where these behaviors started.
In ThetaHealing, we start by finding the root belief. Where did this all start? When you find the root belief, you have to bring it into the present. We must ask how it is serving us, and when we discover the present, we ask, “what would happen if you changed this?” With belief work, you are in it from the past to the present, and to the future.
One of the biggest keys about our beliefs is that they all serve us. Once we learn how the beliefs serve us, we can change the beliefs. We go up in a theta brain wave, locate the belief, and change it. It is fast, quick, and efficient. Shifting beliefs is like finally understanding yourself, understanding where the beliefs come from, understanding how they help you. Everything in your life has meaning. Everything that you have done and experience makes you who you are.