“In 1995, Vianna Stibal – a Naturopath, Massage Therapist and Intuitive Reader – self-healed anin-inch tumour in her leg after conventional and alternative medicine had failed to cure her. The technique she had used subsiquentily developed into ThetaHealing. In this energy-based healing modality the brainwaves are slowed down to a frequency of four to seven cycles per second to attain a theta state, which also results in a very deep relaxation. In this state, by focusing on thought and prayer, ThetaHealing teaches people to create instantaneous physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual healing. Over the last 20 years, VIanna has been sharing her technique around the world ‘We now have over 350,000 practitioners. In actuality it’s around 500,000 practitioners but not all of them practice. We have a presence in oer 152 countries, she tells YogaLife in a wide-ranging interview. ” YogaLife
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Natural Health
“ThetaHealing is a powerful emotional healing therapy, focused on breaking and releasing negative thought processes and attachments to traumatic events. It is a combination of
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